Surviving the Pandemic: An Ode to My Coworking Community
We are entering another phase of the pandemic with mask mandates lifted for indoors, a relief to many. Often there is such a buzz in our space, that we might forget the pandemic ever happened, at least for a few minutes. I savor those moments and hang onto the energy they bring me.
People are coming back to work; whether a required return to the corporate HQ, or just a desire to put pants on and shake off the depressive state that plagues many who work from home. Coworking can be an antidote to loneliness. I have doubled down on that belief in the past few years.
In the throes of the pandemic, when faced with closures and too many empty physical spaces, coworking operators worked hard to keep their members connected to the community through online engagement. From work sprints to online speakers, we’ve seen a lot of creativity in programming. Yet the true magic of coworking comes in those serendipitous connections that happen in the building: the energy of a space buzzing with productive, engaged humans.
In this moment of reflection on what we have overcome as business owners, I am incredibly grateful to see new and old faces walk through the doors of Good Coworking. The coworking industry is back and soaring as the newest and coolest way to get work done.
Our coworking community would not still be here, were it not for the generosity of those members who, despite not coming to the physical space, continued to pay their monthly memberships. Their actions speak as testament to the power of a strong coworking community. In paying their membership, they were also voting for a woman owned small business that is focused on inclusive wellness and sustainability.
Every day I have conversations with members about how their lives have transformed and priorities have shifted since COVID. While doubling down on the purpose of their work, they are also prioritizing their mental health and living a fulfilling life. Rapid change and collective pain caused us all to grow in unforeseen ways. Cheers to a prosperous life and career for everyone in 2022!